Prokaryotic virus Host Predictor
Firstly, input the genomic sequences of viruses in the input box or click upload files to upload file (attention: one sequence per virus) The length of the input sequence must be between 150bp and 10,000,000bp. The maximum number of input sequences for online services is 100. If you need to calculate a large number of virus hosts, plesse go to and use the local version.Secondly, submit the task by clicking on the button of “GO”, and a waiting page appeared as follows.
User can wait here. It would last for several minutes to several hours depending on the number of viral genomes inputted. The user can also bookmark the page or input the email (optional), and check the results in Job status page.
Thirdly, two kinds of output were displayed.
1) the “Host with the largest probability” shows the host with the best score for each virus.
2) the "Host with the top 5 consensus" shows with the top 5 consensuses for each virus
3) This page shows all the result files and bacterial classification information. Click on the file name to download it.
If you use this server, please cite us in your paper as the following: Yousong Peng & Congyu Lu, PHP: a Gaussian mixture model for host prediction of prokaryotic viruses in metagenomics. Available at